Sunday 1 March 2009


Why aren't we happy with what we already have?

We have Myspace, we have facebook, we have bebo, before them we had books, and newspapers, and leaflets, and flyers, and before them we had various means and methods of self satisfying ourselves by worshipping the physical representation of the spoken word. Ever since some German realised he could mass produce the printed word using an apple press we have been deluding ourselves that someone somewhere may give a fuck what we , the masses, say, and what we, the masses, think, and even more, may want to read it. Well shit maybe some of us do, and so it is with forced hand, gritted teeth, and rotted liver that I sign myself up for his horseshit blogging tomfoolery.

I sincerely doubt that anything that will ever grace this page will change anything about anything, regardless of how insignificant that anything may be, but here goes.

So, to answer the question I asked when we first came in, because we are bastards and bastards are never happy with anything except the sound of their own voice and the hope that someone or something somewhere may be altered in some way by the sound and content of that voice.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. but what if it wasnt supposed to change anything about anything

    like drugs and southpark - its all just entertainment to get you through the day; perhaps sometimes enlightening, opening the doors of perception to the enevitable life changing event that changes something, even the tiniest part of yours or anothers world.


    p.s. die
