Thursday 5 March 2009


I could hear the shower running, I knew she wanted me to join her in there, and God I wanted to. But, there was something... something I had to do before I could burst in there and have my way. I can't recall exactly what I was doing, something mundane like ironing. I can recall rushing the task whatever it was just to get in there before she was done, but it was too late, I heard the shower being turned off and my chance being missed and despair filled my world...

Then the all too well known sound of my phone on vibrate dragged me from sleep. 'Mother' the LCD informed me. Half past seven in the morning? she must have left for work not 20 minutes ago. What the bloody hell could she... the cat... I bet its about letting the cat in or something equally annoying. "Hello?"
"Chris could you get up and see if your dads okay? hes just phoned me and he's on his way home, he's not feeling well."
"eh... yeah sure. where is he?"
"he should be in shortly"
"yeah cool" I said, shaking the sleep from my head and cursing myself for not getting in the shower with whoever quicker in the dream realm.
I groggily pulled on some clothes and stumbled down the stairs and through the hall. Just as I opened the living room door my father walked in the back door. We were perhaps 4 metres apart. but there was no greeting, just silence and awe at the scene before us. He had the appearance of someone who had waded through a swamp of spew. It was caked to his beard, his jacket, his jeans. I only glimpsed at him briefly, not wanting to embarass him, but in the quickest of glances I knew I saw carrots amongst the debris.

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