Saturday 16 May 2009

Taking stock

This evening, on my way out the door, I had what alcoholics refer to as a 'moment of clarity'. I was struck by the sudden realisation that I am 28 years of age. That I live with my parents. That I have no job. That I have no money. Infact I have negative money. I am quite considerably in debt to banks, my parents, my friends, companies whom I have not had dealings with in years, and my girlfriend (yes, that's right, I have a girlfriend [how?]). I also realised amongst this rude awakening of consienceness that I was dressed in a bright green teenage mutant ninja turtles tracksuit top over a bright yellow batman t-shirt. And the icing on the cake of this moment of self awareness, infact the spark of this reality slap-in-the-face, was the fact that I was goin to see the star trek film at the cinema.

With my parents.

But the glorious result of this personal review of my being was that it made me happy. While compiling the list of what my current situation was there were creeping thoughts of how I would scoff at someone in my position. Well I am in that position and I could not give a shit. I am happy. For I could easily be one of the misfortunate faces that the news throws on my television every hour whose house has been levelled, or whose daughter has been raped and murdered, one of those whose existence has been tested to the very brink of insanity by some horrible and outrageous event outwith their control.

But I am not them. I am the guy with the nachos and the cheese sauce being spoon fed entertainment and loving every heartbeat of it. I want for nothing. I will take what is given to me and make the most of it. My only fears are that it will be taken away, and that one day I may become someone who would laugh at the person in my position.

[EDIT 28/05/09 - My girlfriend has dumped me.]


  1. well with that disease of yours, i think you are doing pretty well and making the most of a bad situation.

    your girlfriend is a brave man.

    it will be over soon. just hang in there.
