Sunday 11 October 2009

Why do we worry?

There is a quote that comes to mind that is often used in reference to music review and criticism. I have read it attributed to Patti Smith, Frank Zappa, and Elvis Costello, but upon investigating - here - it appears the origin of the quip is lost.

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.

Well, the originator isn't relative anyway, only the ethos of the line and I'm paraphrasing it for my use in relation to the topic of this post.

Worrying about your problems is like sneezing about space travel.

Really. Think about it. How on earth is fraying your nerves and going over and over a problem in your head going to solve it? I'm not dismissing channeling your thoughts and time on something that needs solved but when you reach a block that cannot be passed and you have exhausted all means and efforts to conquer said block then for fucks sake LET IT GO. If something has happened then biting your nails, pulling your hair, gnashing your teeth, and causing those who love you most to in turn worry about you are not going to alter that which cannot be changed. Celebrate what you have and do not toil on what you once had or cannot have.

Time is the most expensive yet priceless commodity that we have and to fritter it away on thoughts that loop like a high-pitched ringtone is a waste so grand it can be only rivaled by the loss of life itself.

This isn't directed at anyone in particular. It's directed at you the next time you worry.

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