Tuesday 8 September 2009

Toy Town

life is sweet.

Everything is going right.

Could not be happier.

Well... there is one thing.

The only thing that is riling me is the fact that my ipod has a track on it that I cannot get rid of. A fucking hardcore trance tune called Toy Town by some pair of cunts called Hixxy and Sharkey. It wont fucking go away. Its hard-wired into the fuckin things memory. Ive formatted the godforsaken bastard. Twice! Its definitely not on my mac. So where the mother of fucking god does it keep reappearing from? Am I the butt of an elaborate joke? Is there a virus on my mac that's only intention is to continually re-install this fucking appalling arrangement of noise over and over and over to my ipod? Its driving me to the edge. It is tainting everything in my life. Nothing is sacred. Not anymore.

I started a new job last week in a second hand camera shop after almost 6 months of unemployment. decent pay. sound people to work with. first shout on any merchandise that comes in the door which I can buy at astonishingly discounted prices. work hours that avoid rush hour traffic. lunch breaks as long as you like. every shift I learn more about my main passion in life; photography. and do you know what? it means fucking nothing to me. and do you know why? cos Hixxy and Sharkey thats fucking why. they have cornered my ipod down a dark alleyway and they're taking turns raping it with an electric carving knife thats covered in rat aids.

Got my self a website set up for £6 instead of £100 that i can upload my photos onto and use to direct potential photo clients to. know what? that's right. it means nothing.

Got a shit hot Camera lens for £450 instead of £900 = fuck all.

I am lucky enough to have friends that are the best humans I can imagine. They are considerate, generous, loving, crazy, and funny as hell. yeah? fuck them. They may as well all be called Hixxy and Sharkey.

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